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Transform Your Kitchen: Dream Home Construction Makes Magic in Kirkland, WA

Have you been dreaming about a kitchen that’s not just a place to cook but the heart of your home? Our team at Dream Home Construction just finished an amazing kitchen remodel in Kirkland, and it’s everything a modern family could wish for.

A Space Designed For Family

Imagine stepping into a kitchen where every detail has been thoughtfully designed to bring comfort and joy to your daily life. That’s exactly what we created for our latest project. This wasn’t just any makeover; it was an 8-week journey from the ‘same old’ to ‘spectacular’. And the best part? It was all crafted with this family’s needs in mind.

Modern Design Meets Functionality

Our clients wanted a space where they could gather, laugh, and create memories together. So we rolled up our sleeves and brought their vision to life with custom cabinets that reach all the way up to the ceiling – talk about making good use of space! But wait, there’s more – we added lighting inside these cabinets so finding that pasta pot or cookie sheet is now as easy as pie.

The countertops? They’re not just any counters; they’re custom-made too, giving this family tons of room for chopping veggies or setting out buffet-style feasts. And when it comes to floors, only the best would do – gorgeous engineered wood that can handle spilled milk or dance parties with equal grace.

Gathering Around The Island

In this kitchen, the island isn’t deserted – it’s oversized and ready for anything! Whether it’s homework time or dinner prep, there’s plenty of sitting room so everyone can join in on the fun without feeling crowded.

We know how important appliances are in making kitchen tasks easier (and let’s face it – more enjoyable). That’s why high-end gadgets were installed throughout this culinary paradise. And because we love going above and beyond, we added something extra special: a brand-new fireplace that makes this kitchen feel cozy enough you’ll want to curl up with a cup of cocoa even if you’re not cooking!